Magenta / Hot Pink / Cerise has qualities of passion, transformation, creativity, gratitude and trust and can really give your self-confidence a boost.
CHARISMATIC reinvents themselves and breaks out of old patterns to reach their full potential.
You really draw people in and have a natural talent for breaking out of old patterns in the pursuit of living your dreams. You always find a solution, when all seems lost – even under pressure. Passion is your fuel, and you have enough to run for miles. If you do run low on passion, it creates a certain chaos for you, which you keep at bay with good routines, lists and plans until you regain your passion.
You have an ability to make your message come across to everyone and you create a space for others to shine too. You are very mindful and respectful towards other people and they feel seen for who they really are.
If you DON’T like CHARISMATIC you might like peace and quiet and don’t like to stand out from the crowd.
If you wish to be more CHARISMATIC, PASSIONATE gives a high energy level that’s a bit more masculine. CONFIDENT shines with their full potential, and DELICATE also always finds a way one step at a time.