Grey is a mix of white and black, which are great contrasts, and it creates a color that lands in the middle and seeks balance, harmony, compromise and diplomacy. It gives an ability to see things from all sides and create harmony around you.
FAIR creates harmony in their mind and the world around them.
You love harmony and always choose the path of diplomacy and take on the role of peacekeeper. Patience, gratitude and humility are your core values and you’d rather compromise than engage in a conflict. You are not afraid to work for what you want to achieve, the process can even be meditative to you.
You are fair and trustworthy, and your calm charisma is irresistible. You have probably experienced that people seek your company, even when you feel you have done nothing special to gain their trust.
If you DON’T like FAIR, you may be the type who flies by the seat of your pants, or maybe you often find yourself in conflicts.
If you wish to be more FAIR, NOSTALGIC is also seeking harmony. SINCERE seeks balance and takes responsibility in their relationships and CELESTIAL balances the light moments in life with the darkness that life sometimes presents us to.