Black is the absence of light, but can be created by all colors when we paint and has a span from everything or nothing that creates a sense of depth and wisdom. It radiates authority, seriousness, power, honor and mystery and can be used to shield yourself from the world around you.
MYSTERIOUS takes themself seriously and demands the respect they naturally deserve.
You are the type who likes to be on top of things to have control over yourself and your own life. You explore your inner darkness to get to know yourself better, but you are very private and do not share your inner world with anyone. Provocation excites you and your intense ideas and visions often have an artistic outlet.
You look conventional and serious, but also radiate with a sexy intensity of mystery and power. This intensity can seem intimidating but at the same time it’s strongly alluring. Everyone takes you seriously, and listens when you speak, and you easily gain the respect of others.
If you DON’T like MYSTERIOUS, you are probably very optimistic and like to keep the mood light and happy.
If you wish to be more MYSTERIOUS, ENIGMATIC has seriousness and respect. DIVINE and MAGNIFICENT share an aura of mystery and explores deep emotions. INTUITIVE and CELESTIAL also looks into their inner darkness.